Archaeology and Ethnology


The Archaeology and Ethnology Program within the Department of History allows students to reconstruct the history of past societies and cultures by using primary material sources accumulated through fieldwork. Main research interests of the program include prehistoric and historical archaeology of Japan, archaeology of Western Asia, archaeology and historical anthropology of the Pacific region, zooarchaeology, and the research methods of archaeology.

Graduate school education places special emphasis on the completion of a thesis. Students can receive guidance from the faculty through weekly lab sessions and private tutorials. Students can also participate in fieldwork organized by staff and learn practical fieldwork techniques as well as analysis and reporting methods. Besides the courses offered through the program, various related courses are offered in collaboration with other faculties and research institutes for special languages such as Hebrew and Akkadian, physico-chemical analyses, statistical analyses, and more.

Keio is home to an abundance of archaeological and ethnological materials accumulated over many years, all of which are available for research. Ultimately we aim to train researchers who can develop their own comprehensive research design while making use of the technologies and resources available here at Keio.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • ANDO, Hiromichi

    Archaeology and Ethnology
    Japanese Archaeology, Museology

    My basic concept toward research is to study nearby archaeological and material cultural objects and then to interpret the results in terms of wider historical contexts. At Keio University, and especially on Mita and Hiyoshi Campuses, there are many multifarious artifacts that range from the prehistoric to modern period. I have researched all of the objects I thought meaningful to research regardless of the period. Recently I have primarily studied the later modern period structures and remains at Mita and Hiyoshi, especially those related to the Asia-Pacific War. I would like to conduct 'public history' activities by linking the results of my studies with discourses and narratives told from the various standpoints of many people related to Mita and Hiyoshi.

    • 『慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス一帯の戦争遺跡の研究Ⅱ』(慶應義塾大学民族学考古学研究室、2020:
    • 『鹿屋戦争アーカイブマップ(公開版)』(2023公開:
    • 『弥生時代ガイドブック』(新泉社、2023)
    • 「日吉、鹿屋、そして沖縄:地下壕がつなぐ歴史」(『日吉台地下壕:大学と戦争』高文研、2023)
    • 「パブリックヘリテージとしての戦争遺跡」(『文化遺産の世界』Vol.42、2023:
  • KONO, Reiko

    Natural Sciences
    Physical Anthropology, Human Evolution

    I am interested in the evolutionary history of humankind and have been tackling this huge theme by investigating the morphology of dentition, especially molars, of extant humans, hominoids, and their fossil relatives. By doing this, I also have learned how to acquire and handle digital 3D data of natural objects such as bones and teeth. With this skill I am participating in various collaborative research.

    • 河野礼子(2021)猿人とはどんな人類だったのか? ―最古の人類. 『人間の本質にせまる科学 自然人類学の挑戦』(井原泰雄・梅崎昌裕・米田穣編), 東京大学出版会, pp23-40.
    • Takai M, Khin-Nyo, Kono RT, et al. (2021) New hominoid mandible from the early Late Miocene Irrawaddy Formation in Tebingan area, central Myanmar. Anthropological Science, 129: 87-98.
    • 河野礼子・岡崎健治・仲座久宜・徳嶺里江・片桐千亜紀・土肥直美 (2018) 3次元デジタル復元に基づく白保4号頭蓋形態の予備的分析と顔貌の復元. Anthropological Science Japanese Series, 126: 15-36.
    • 河野礼子 (2018) 自然科学における3次元プリンターの活用事例. 慶應義塾大学日吉紀要 自然科学, 64: 31-45.
    • Suwa G, Kono RT, Simpson SW, Asfaw B, Lovejoy CO, White TD (2009) Paleobiological implications of the Ardipithecus ramidus dentition. Science, 326: 94-99.
  • SATO, Takao

    Archaeology and Ethnology
    Zooarchaeology, Ethnoarchaeology

    In order to decipher the history of the relationship between humans and nature, I have conducted extensive research on and analyzed animal remains unearthed from archaeological sites. I have focused my research on a comprehensive view of culture and nature and surveyed the history of the Quaternary Period, and I have considerable field-work experience at sites in Hokkaido, northern Honshu and Siberia.

    • Animals and their Relation to Gods, Humans and Things in the Ancient Wold. (共著. Springer VS, 2019)
    • 『人と動物の日本史1 動物の考古学』(共著. 吉川弘文館, 2008)
    • Rediscovery of the oldest dog burial remains in Japan. (Anthropological Science, vol.123, no.2, 2015)
    • Paleoenvironment of the Fore-Baikal region in the Karginian interstadial: Results of the interdisciplinary studies of the Bol’shoj Naryn site. (Quaternary International, vol.333, 2014)
    • 「中近世アイヌのシカ送り儀礼」(『動物考古学』30, 2013)
  • Archaeology and Ethnology
    Geoarchaeology, Historical and Museum Anthropology in Oceania

    I have been concerned with geoarchaeological studies of Oceania and the Yaeyama Islands, Japan, to disentangle dynamic interactions between two agencies, natural and human, in the island landscape. My research project of Pukapuka Atoll, Nothern Cooks, is now in progress. I'm also interested in historical and museum anthropology of the Oceanic arts collected in the colonial period from the mid-18th century to the early 20th century.

    • 「島嶼:島景観にみる自然と人間の営み」『ようこそオセアニア世界へ』昭和堂(2023)
    • 「日本に渡ったウリ像-小嶺コレクション」『世界歴史19:太平洋海域世界』岩波書店(2023)
    • 「民族資料を精読する-旧オランダ領ニューギニアの犬形木製彫像-」『国立民族学博物館研究報告』46巻4号(2022)
    • Session organizer, "Multi-disciplinary studies of ‘islandscape’ as a meshwork" in "Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future" held (Royal Institute of Anthropology, London, 2020)
    • 『アイランドスケープ・ヒストリーズ―島景観が架橋する歴史生態学と歴史人類学』(編著、風響社、2019)
  • WATANABE, Takehiko

    Archaeology and Ethnology
    Palaeolithic Archeology, Ancient Japanese History, Public Administration and Protection of Cultural Properties

    The main theme of my research is to clarify the relation with past people and neighboring natural environments through the investigation of the cave and quarry sites. Apart from this, I am interested in Japanese ancient history and public administration and protection of cultural properties.

    • 奈良貴史・渡辺丈彦・澤田純明・澤浦亮平・佐藤孝雄 編「青森県下北郡東通村 尻労安部洞窟-2001〜2012年度発掘調査報告書-」(六一書房, 2015)
    • 「石器は海峡を越えたか-本州最北端出土旧石器の系譜に関する一試論-」(史学, 84-1~4, 2015, 三田史学会)
    • 「日本列島旧石器時代における洞穴・岩陰利用の可能性について」(奈良文化財研究所創立60周年記念論文集 文化財論叢IV, 国立文化財機構奈良文化財研究所, 2012)
    • 「日本列島 石の流通史-石材原産地遺跡の視点から」(特集 日本列島 石の流通史,月刊文化財, 548, 第一法規, 2009)
    • 阿部祥人・岡沢祥子・工藤敏久・渡辺丈彦編「お仲間林遺跡の研究-1992年発掘調査-」(慶應義塾大学民族学考古学研究室, 1995)