Chinese Literature


The three pillars of the Department of Chinese literature are classical Chinese literature, modern Chinese literature, and the study of the Chinese language. The department covers the entirety of Chinese culture, past and present, and includes its history, philosophy, society, and art forms. Our methodologies are wide and varied in application and can range from analyses of literary works to practical and theoretical linguistics and even research into specific individuals.

In the master’s program, students gain a general understanding of Chinese culture while, at the same time, pursue a research theme of their own choosing. At the doctoral level, students use the foundational knowledge gained at the master’s level to perform more specialized research and present their findings at academic conferences. Students also have ample opportunities to study abroad in China and Taiwan for extended periods of time. Many use these valuable experiences abroad to improve their Chinese language proficiency and deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and its traditions and customs.

The Department of Chinese literature has an outstanding track record for producing graduates who go onto careers as research experts and academic faculty in Chinese language and literature. With China’s growing global presence, many others go onto to work in government and private industry.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • ASANO, Masaki

    Chinese Literature
    Chinese Language

    I primarily conduct research on modern Chinese vocabulary and grammar. More recently, I have also been involved in the development of dictionaries and teaching materials. I am also involved in research that deals with the instruction of vocabulary.

    • 中国語学習辞書の「用例」についての考察 : 二音節の実詞に対する語彙的性質からの視点を中心に 『中国研究』第13号 2020年
    • 日本國內學生的華語詞彙論知識調查與考察 『第5回全球華語文教師與研究生論壇論文集』 2016年
    • 中国語教育における「反義語」を用いた語彙指導について 『慶應義塾外国語教育研究』第12号  2016年
    • 類義語をどのように教えるか ー弁別法の使用を中心にー『中国語教育』 第9号 2011年
  • SUGINO, Motoko

    Chinese Literature
    Modern Chinese Literature, Comparative Literature in Japan and China

    My main area of research is modern and contemporary Chinese literature.

    • 「漱石と老舎:二人の文学者の英国体験をめぐって」(日本比較文学会編『滅びと異郷の比較文化』思文閣出版、1994)
    • 「悔恨と悲哀の手記:魯迅『傷逝』と森鷗外『舞姫』」(『比較文学』第36巻、1994)
    • 「柳雨生と日本:太平洋戦争時期上海における「親日」派文人の足跡」(『日本中国学会報』第55集、2003)
    • 「路易士と日本:戦時上海における路易士の文学活動をめぐって」(『比較文学』第52巻、2010)
    • 「北京的駱駝祥子与香港的駱祥致――1962年香港影片『浪子双娃』考」(『海南師範大学学報(社会科学版)』第162期、2015)
  • YOSHINAGA, Sosuke

    Chinese Literature
    Chinese Classic Literature

    My main areas of research are Chinese classical literature. I study the reception of media mixing in the classical literary arts. I particularly aim to clarify the process of how the history of Sanguozhi, commonly known in English as the Three Kingdoms, was novelized from many folk stories (including stories from modern Japanese subculture).

    • 「鍾山改名の由来について―蒋子文と孫鍾の伝説をめぐって―」(『藝文研究』第85号、2003.12)
    • 「サブカルチャーとしての三国志」(『アジア遊学』No.97、勉誠出版、2007.3)
    • 「『三国志演義』の涙の力学」(『藝文研究』第105号第1分冊、山下輝彦教授退任記念論文集、2013.12)
    • 「現代日本の「三国志」受容における二つのリアリティー―北方謙三と宮城谷昌光の両極性―」(『藝文研究』第116号、2019.6)
    • 「現代日本における長編小説「三国志」の再生産と受容をめぐる視座について」(『慶應義塾中国文学会報』第7号、2023.5)