Information Resource Management


In our ever-changing social environment, there is a growing need for continued education among professionals engaged in library and information services. In response to this social need, the Graduate School of Letters established the Information Resource Management Program within the Department of Library and Information Science in 2004. This program is available to university graduates with librarian certification or three years of professional experience in libraries or other related organizations. With a focus on the latest in information technology, administration and management, our curriculum allows students to acquire practical skills and knowledge concerning information resource organization, information retrieval, scholarly communication, reference services, and more. We aim to improve students’ practical problem-solving skills as well as academic skills, which are developed through courses offered in scholarly article writing and research methods. In 2015, the Information Resource Management Program was officially certified as a Brush-up Program for Professionals by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Most courses are offered in the evening and on weekends to accommodate the needs of currently employed professionals. We also have a few intensive summer courses. Every year, 15–20 students enroll in the program, earning a professional master’s degree while working full-time. They share a strong sense of solidarity and remain friends long after completion of the program.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • AGATA, Mari

    Library and Information Science
    Bibliography, Book History, Library and Information Science

    I'm interested in the history of printing in Europe, namely the Gutenberg Bible and subsequent incunabula, the transition from manuscripts to printed books, and changes in the perception of books and styles of reading. My special focus has been on the Gutenberg Bible, and I have studied it using digital images. Other research interests include preservation and digitization of books, digital archives, and digital humanities.

    • Agata, M.; Agata, T. Statistical analysis of the Gutenberg 42-line Bible types. The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 2021, 115(2), p.167-183. (DOI: 10.1086/713981)(共著)
    • 安形麻理. "利用者による特殊コレクション資料の撮影の許可:北米の研究図書館における動向". 図書館は市民と本・情報をむすぶ. 池谷のぞみほか編著. 勁草書房, 2015, p. 52-60.
    • 安形麻理ほか. 日本の図書館におけるマイクロ資料の保存の現状 : 質問紙による大学図書館と都道府県立図書館の悉皆調査から. 日本図書館情報学会誌. 2014, vol. 60, no. 4, p. 129-147.(共著)
    • 安形麻理. "聖書に見る本文の構造の視覚的な提示方法". 貴重書の挿絵とパラテクスト. 松田隆美編.慶應義塾大学出版会, 2012, p. 103-123.
    • 安形麻理. デジタル書物学事始め:グーテンベルク聖書とその周辺. 勉誠出版, 2010, 224p.
  • Library and Information Science
    Ethnomethodology, Information Behavior, Knowledge Management, Service Design

    My central interest is in examining and understanding the practices of people from their perspective, following the interdisciplinary approach of the Ethnomethodology’s Program. More specifically, I am interested in considering issues such as sharing, creating, and handing down knowledge and expertise in organizational settings and communities by examining and understanding how knowledge and expertise is produced and shared in and through visible practices. This has taken on an increasing importance as this expertise sharing often takes place in technology mediated contexts.I have so far conducted fieldwork in a number of organizational settings, including libraries, hospitals, and corporate organizations. A through understanding of an organization's practices allows for a more nuanced view of the important issues which arise from knowledge management efforts and in my research, has resulted in the co-design of services and technology with stakeholders.

    • 『エスノメソドロジー・会話分析ハンドブック』(共編著,新曜社, 2023)
    • 『図書館は市民と本・情報をむすぶ』(共編著,勁草書房,2015)
    • 現象学にインスピレーションを受けたエスノメソドロジーの方向性:三人称現象学を中心に. 現象学と社会科学, 2021, no.4, 25-42.
    • Hybridity of hybrid studies of work: Examination of informing practitioners in practice. Ethnographic Studies, 2020, no.17, 22-40.
    • Social Distribution of Knowledge in Action: The Practical Management of Classification. In J.Strassheim, H.Nasu (Eds.), Relevance and Irrelevance. De Gruyter. 2018, p. 161–186.
  • Library and Information Science
    Information Retrieval, Text Mining

    I am interested in the theory and technology of information retrieval, especially statistical techniques for enhancing retrieval performance. More specifically, I have proposed some algorithms for cross-language information retrieval in which the language of a search query is different from that used in the documents being searched. Automatic clustering of documents is another one of my research topics. For example, I have recently conducted experiments using clustering algorithms that generate a tree structure from a large-scale document collection.

    • K. Kishida. Technical issues of cross-language information retrieval: a review. Information Processing and Management, Vol.41, 2005.
    • K. Kishida. High-speed rough clustering for very large document collection. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol.61, 2010.
    • 岸田和明『図書館情報学における統計的方法』(樹村房、2015)
    • K. Kishida. Uncomplicated procedure for thesaurus mapping: Use of stemming, edit distance and vector matching. IPSJ SIG Technical Report. Vol.2018-IFAT-131, 2018.
    • N. Kadowaki and K. Kishida. Empirical comparison of word similarity measures based on co-occurrence, context, and a vector space model. JISTaP, Vol.8, No.2, June 2020, p.6-17.