English and American Literature


The Department of English and American Literature covers fields related to English and American literature as well as English language studies. It is built upon a long tradition of valuable international contributions in disciplines that include book history and contemporary literary theory. In the two-year master’s program, students acquire a foundation in the discipline. The doctoral program culminates in a dissertation for which students regularly receive advice from academic staff members. Our rich curriculum is composed entirely of electives, so students, in consultation with their supervisor, can take courses that best suit their research interest. We maintain a high standard of research, inviting eminent international researchers from Japan and overseas to lecture and also to serve as external examiners for dissertations. Doctoral dissertations—and even some master’s theses—are often published, not uncommonly in international scholarly journals as well as in refereed journals of the English Literary Society of Japan and other academic societies.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • IDE, Arata

    English and American Literature
    English Renaissance Drama and Culture

    I have published articles on Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, and Nathaniel Woodes, and am now working on a book-length study of Marlowe and the religious culture of Renaissance England.

    • Localizing Christopher Marlowe: His Life, Plays and Mythology, 1575–1593 (D. S. Brewer, 2023)
    • Corpus Christi College, Cambridge in 1577: Reading the Social Space in Sir Nicholas Bacon’s College Plan(Transactions of Cambridge Bibliographical Society, XV, 2, 2015)
    • The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare: Shakespeare's World, 1500-1660(共著、Cambridge University Press, 2016)
    • The Jew of Malta and the Diabolic Power of Theatrics in the 1580s (Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 46.2, 2006)
    • 『大修館シェイクスピア双書 冬物語』(編著、大修館書店、2023)
  • INOUE, Ippei

    English and American Literature
    Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis

    Specializes in sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and sociopragmatics, mainly dealing with English and Japanese, focusing on the globalization and localization of English Languages and English translations of Japanese language products (e.g., anime, news, business documents, etc.). Published in the fields above, proposing a perspective of the Ecology of Communication, which emphasizes the social, economic and technological aspects of language use. A case in point is what is called Global Text (translatable documentation directed to a global market, particularly in English). In this digital era, English is the mediating language for relay translation of business, entertainment, and news discourses.

    • 『ことばの生態系:コミュニケーションは何でできているか』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2005)
    • 『グローバル・コミュニケーションのための英語学概論』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2015)
    • 『社会言語学』(編著、朝倉書店、2017)
    • 『伝わるしくみと異文化間コミュニケーション』(南雲堂、1999)
    • 『おもてなしの基礎英語』(NHK出版、2019)
  • English and American Literature
    American Literature, Women's Literature, Gender Studies

    My main research interest is in women’s fiction in 19th-century American literature, as well as gender and sexuality issues. Currently I am also interested in the influence of American culture and literature on Japanese shojo culture from the Meiji period through the 1970s.

    • 『ハイブリッド・ロマンス:アメリカ文学における捕囚と混淆の伝統』(松柏社、2002)
    • 『立ちどまらない少女たち:<少女マンガ>的想像力のゆくえ』(松柏社、2021)
    • “Little House in the Far East: The American Frontier Spirit and Japanese Girls’ Comics” The Japanese Journal of American Studies 27 (2016)
    • "American Literature in Japanese Shojo Comics." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature.  May 29, 2020. Oxford UP.
    • 共編著『アメリカ文学と大統領––文学史と文化史』(南雲堂、2023)
  • SATO, Mitsushige

    English and American Literature
    American Literature

    My research interests range from the Colonial era to the American Renaissance. I have published articles on the Puritans in America, Benjamin Franklin, and Henry David Thoreau as well as a book on Thoreau's Walden.

    • 『『ウォールデン』入門講義』金星堂、2019年。
    • テリー・テンペスト・ウィリアムス『大地の時間 アメリカの国立公園、わが心の地形図』(共訳)伊藤詔子、岩政伸治、佐藤光重、彩流社、2019年。
    • 「フランクリンとアングロ・アメリカ帝国の夢――印紙条例の成立前後に見る国民感情―」『アメリカ研究』47号、2013年、1-20頁。発行 アメリカ学会。
    • “The Puritan Hall of Fame: Anne Bradstreet and the Renaissance Art of Memory.” Studies in English Literature (English Number 2000): 55-66. 発行 日本英文学会
    • 「ポーク政権と文学ーーホーソーン、メルヴィル、ソローの場合」巽孝之監修、大串尚代、佐藤光重、常山菜穂子編集『アメリカ文学と大統領ーー文学史と文化史』南雲堂、2023年、101-20頁。
  • TAKAHASHI, Isamu

    English and American Literature
    English Literature After the 18th Century; Fantasy Literature

    I am interested in English poetry and prosody, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, British medievalism, and modern fantasy literature as its development.

    • 松田隆美、原田範行、髙橋勇・編著『中世主義を超えて イギリス中世の発明と受容』(東京・慶應義塾大学出版会、2009年3月)
    • ウィリアム・ブレイズ『書物の敵』髙橋勇・訳、髙宮利行・監修(東京・八坂書房、2004年10月)
    • 「永遠の墓所 バイロン、シェリーのローマ」『ローマ 外国人芸術家たちの都』佐藤直樹・編、西洋近代の都市と芸術1(東京・竹林舎、2013年10月)303–21ページ
    • 「『書物狂』リチャード・ヒーバーとその蔵書」『名だたる蔵書家、隠れた蔵書家』佐藤道生・編(東京・慶應義塾大学文学部、2010年8月)21–40ページ
    • 「中世主義の系譜」『中世イギリス文学入門 研究と文献案内』髙宮利行、松田隆美・編著(東京・雄松堂出版、2008年12月)343–54ページ
  • TOKUNAGA, Satoko

    English and American Literature
    Medieval English Literature, History of the Book, Bibliography

    My research interests include book production and literary culture in late medieval England.

    • 『旅するナラティヴー西洋中世をめぐる移動の諸相』大沼由布・徳永聡子編(知泉書館, 2022)
    • Caxton's Golden Legend, 2 vols, ed. by Mayumi Taguchi, John Scahill and Satoko Tokunaga, EETS OS 355, 357 (Oxford: OUP, 2020-21)
    • Incunabula on the Move: The Production, Circulation and Collection of Early Printed Books, ed. by Ed Potten and Satoko Tokunaga (2012 [for 2014])
    • ‘Wynkyn de Worde and a Lost Manuscript of the Canterbury Tales: With New Light on HRC MS 46’, The Chaucer Review, 50, no. 1-2 (2015), 30-54
    • ロッテ・ヘリンガ『初期イングランド印刷史―キャクストンと後継者たち―』徳永聡子訳、高宮利行監修(東京:雄松堂書店、2013年)
  • HARADA, Noriyuki

    English and American Literature
    English Literature (Early Modern and Modern), Comparative Literature, Cultural History of Book and Publication, English Literary Education

    My major research subject is early modern and modern English literature; in particular, I am interested in English novels from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first century. My researches also include some related areas: comparative studies in Western literary movements, translation and adaptation of English literature in Japan, the relationship between the development of the English novel and the history of book production, and English literary education from the historical point of view.

    • 『「ガリヴァー旅行記」徹底注釈(注釈篇)』(共著, 岩波書店, 2013).
    • 『風刺文学の白眉―「ガリバー旅行記」とその時代』(NHK出版, 2016).
    • 『セクシュアリティとヴィクトリア朝文化』(共編著, 彩流社, 2016).
    • “Literature, London, and Lives of the English Poets,” London and Literature, 1603-1901 (共著) (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017), pp. 65-78.
    • "Johnson, Biography, and Modern Japan," Johnson in Japan(共著)(Lewisburg, Penn.: Bucknell UP, 2020), pp. 27-40.
  • HOTTA, Ryuichi

    English and American Literature
    History of English and Historical Linguistics

    My main areas of research are the history of English and the mechanism of language change with special attention to the questions of how and why language changes. Questions have never ceased to arise since I first addressed the matter of the nominal plural -s in English several years ago. My recent research questions include the history of English spelling and the historical development of "diatonic" stress alternation (such as REcord for noun and reCORD for verb).

    • Hotta, Ryuichi. "The Spread of the *s*-Plural in Early Middle English: Its Origin and Development." *Studies in English Literature* 79.2 (2002): 123--42.(2002年,日本英文学会第25回新人賞佳作受賞)
    • Hotta, Ryuichi. *The Development of the Nominal Plural Forms in Early Middle English*. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo, 2009.(2010年,日本中世英語英文学会松浪奨励賞(佳作)受賞)
    • 堀田 隆一 『英語史で解きほぐす英語の誤解 --- 納得して英語を学ぶために』 中央大学出版部,2011年.
    • Hotta, Ryuichi. "The Diatonic Stress Shift in Modern English." *Studies in Modern English* 29 (2013): 1--20.(2013年,近代英語協会優秀学術奨励賞受賞)
    • 堀田 隆一 『英語の「なぜ?」に答えるはじめての英語史』 研究社,2016年.