Japanese History


The Japanese History Program within the Department of History regards history as the accumulation of individual human acts, and to study that history is to know a people and the society in which they lived. To that end, we are always seeking more knowledge, taking into consideration the target area and time, or rather the results of adjacent science beyond traditional academic disciplines.

Particular emphasis is placed on the field of Japanese history, not narrowing the history of Japan down to only domestic history but considering it from an international and modern perspective while also striving to capture that history in line with the viewpoints and thought of people from that era. In this way, students will learn a wide range of fields and methods of history. In order to achieve these objectives, we provide students with high-quality historical materials and instruct them on how to proceed with empirical research. We strive to train professionals who will fulfill in-demand positions after completing the program, including Japanese historians and museum curators as well as historical teachers at junior and senior high schools.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • ASAMI, Masakazu

    Japanese History
    History of Japan's Christian Century, Chinese Rites Controversy

    I research the history of the Christian era in Japan that begins in the middle of 16th century and ends the middle of the 17th century. To research the theme, I treat the letters and reports that the European Catholic missionaries, including the Jesuits and the Franciscans, wrote to their own head offices in Europe. I am interested in the ethical issues of the era concerning worships of God of the Christianity in East Asia, and I am comparing the ethical issues of Japan with those of China.

    • 『キリシタン時代の偶像崇拝』(東京大学出版会、2009)
    • 『フランシスコ=ザビエル:東方布教に身をささげた宣教師』(山川出版社、2011)
    • 『概説キリシタン史』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2016)
    • 『キリシタン教会と本能寺の変』(角川新書、2020)
    • 『キリシタン時代の良心問題:インド・日本・中国の「倫理」の足跡』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2022)
  • NAKAJIMA, Keiichi

    Japanese History
    Japanese History in the Middle Ages

    My research, based on documents and archaeological sources, focuses on medieval economy that include money, usury, trade, and manufacturing techniques, among others.

    • 「中世の寺社金融」(『宗教社会史』〈新体系日本史15〉、山川出版社、2012)
    • 『十四世紀の歴史学:新たな時代への起点』(編著、高志書院、2016)
    • 「十五世紀生産革命論再論」(『国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告』210、2018)
    • 「中世的流通構造形成の周辺」(『年報中世史研究』47、2022)
    • 『日本の中世貨幣と東アジア』(編著、勉誠出版、2022)