Japanese Literature


The Department of Japanese Literature delves deep into comprehensive and specialized research of the language and literature of Japan.

Research into the literature of Japan includes works of every era, from ancient to modern, and covers a variety of genres, from the waka poems and various tales that are central to classical literature to the modern Japanese novel. Japanese literature at the Keio Graduate School of Letters is unique in that it covers a wide range of subjects including emaki picture scrolls and books that are traditionally placed in the realm of art history as well as Chinese-style prose and poetry (kanbun literature). Another feature that makes this department unique is the availability of specialists in bibliography at the Keio Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko), who assist in producing well-founded empirical research.

At many universities, studies of Japanese language fall into the classifications of theoretical studies, historical linguistics, and dialectology. We transcend these labels to employ both theoretical and empirical research to all studies of the Japanese language, from ancient to modern and even into current variants and dialects of the language.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • ISHIKAWA, Tooru

    Japanese Literature
    Narrative Literature, Setsuwa Literature

    I research how narrative setsuwa literature was developed and enjoyed from the Heian period until the early modern period.

    • 『慶應義塾図書館蔵 図解御伽草子』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2003)
    • 『奈良絵本・絵巻の生成』(三弥井書店、2003)
    • 『御伽草子 その世界』(勉誠出版、2004)
    • 『奈良絵本・絵巻の展開』(三弥井書店、2009)
    • 『入門 奈良絵本・絵巻』(思文閣出版、2010)
  • OGAWA, Takeo

    Japanese Literature
    Medieval Literature, Waka Poetry (31-Syllable Verse)

    I'm studying the Japanese classics that cover the period from the 11th to 17th century. My main interest is Waka, a style of Japanese poetry with a 31-syllable verse, and Yusokukojitsu, principles and precedents on manners, rituals and costumes for the ancient and medieval Japanese Imperial court. In my study, I try to focus on the context and its background of where the works were composed.

    • 『二条良基』,人物叢書302,328頁 ,吉川弘文館 ,2020年1月
    • 『兼好法師—徒然草に記されなかった真実』,中公新書2463,258頁,中央公論新社,2017年11月
    • 『中世和歌史の研究─撰歌と歌人社会』 ,722頁, 塙書房, 2017年5月
    • 『武士はなぜ歌を詠むか—鎌倉将軍から戦国大名まで』,角川選書572,296頁,KADOKAWA,2016年6月
    • 『足利義満—公武に君臨した室町将軍』, 中公新書2179,298頁 ,中央公論新社,2012年8月
  • Japanese Literature
    Japanese Modern Literature

    In order to explain how gender hierarchy had been constructed and justified in the modern Japanese literature, I am researching novels by female authors, literary works contributed to editorial magazines, discourses concerned with culture, and theater arts.

    • 『なぞること、切り裂くこと 虚構のジェンダー』以文社,2023年3月
    • 編著『ジェンダー×小説 ガイドブック—日本近現代文学の読み方』ひつじ書房,2023年5月
    • 編著『『文藝首都』 公器としての同人誌』翰林書房, 2020年1月
    • 『小説は、わかってくればおもしろい 文学研究の基本15講』慶應義塾大学出版会, 2019年3月
    • 『夢みる教養 文系女性のための知的生き方史』河出書房新社, 2016年9月