French Literature


The specialties of the academic faculty of the Department of French Literature are concerned with modern and contemporary literature as well as French linguistics. We have an academic team that is capable and prepared to address a wide variety of student interests and demands. The master’s program is especially unique as students are required to take all courses in its curriculum. This requirement encourages an open mind for the French language and its literature, without becoming too narrow-minded in any one single area of study. Small class sizes mean rich, meaningful courses and thorough research advisement by experts in their field. Students are able to acquire the information and methodologies that are essential to becoming researchers.

All of our academic faculty hold PhDs and have studied abroad in France multiple times. We encourage our graduate students, and especially our doctoral students, to study abroad during their academic careers, and many of our students study abroad at one of Keio’s many partner schools in France or on a French government scholarship. Moreover, our French faculty ensure our students receive thorough training in French public speaking, presentation, and composition.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • ICHIKAWA, Takashi

    French Literature
    Modern Literature and Philosophy

    My research interests focus on the authors and philosophers, such as Georges Bataille and Jean-Paul Sartre, who tried to redefine subjectivity under the influence of Nietzsche and Heidegger in the 1930s.

    • 「時間、自己触発、固有性:超越論的感性論をめぐるジャン=リュック・ナンシーとジャック・デリダの討論」『人文学報フランス文学』, 513-15, 首都大学東京人文学研究科, 2017
    • « Généalogie de l'affirmation de la pensée négative », A. Milon(ed.), Leçon d'économie générale : l'expérience-limite chez Bataille-Blanchot-Klossowski, Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2018
    • 「時間、エクリチュール、政治 - ジョルジュ・バタイユとジャン=リュック・ナンシー」,『多様体』no.2, 総特集ジャン=リュック・ナンシー, 月曜社, 2020(ジャン=リュック・ナンシー, 市川崇, 柿並良佑ほか共編著)
    • 「ジャン=リュック・ナンシーの「不死性」」, 『思想』12月号 no. 1172, 追悼 ジャン=リュック・ナンシー, 岩波書店, 2021
    • ジャン=リュック・ナンシー『否認された共同体』市川崇訳, 月曜社, 2023 (翻訳)
  • INOUE, Sakurako

    French Literature
    18th-Century French Literature and Thought

    The 18th century is that of philosophy and therefore, the French poetry was dying in that epoch. Can we accept this theory as truthful? In order to re-examine this question, I study the development of Descriptive Poesy, a genre that is characteristic of the French literature of the 18th century, in relation to the anthropology or the esthetic of philosophers like Rousseau or Diderot. I'm also interested in the influence of Descriptive Poesy on the evolution of French poetry since the 19th century.

    • Jean-François de Saint-Lambert, Les Saisons, STFM Classiques Garnier, 2014 (批評校訂版)
    • アントワーヌ・リルティ『セレブの誕生―「著名人」の出現と近代社会―』、名古屋大学出版会、2018(共訳)
    • 『百科全書の時空 典拠・生成・転位』、法政大学出版局、2018(共著)
    • ジャック・ル=ゴフ『中世と貨幣 歴史人類学的考察』、藤原書店、2015 (翻訳)
    • 『アナール 歴史の対象と方法』(全5巻)、藤原書店、2010-2017(共訳)
  • KATAGI, Tomotoshi

    French Literature
    Literature and Theatre During the Classical Period, Comparative Fairy Tales

    My research has been focused on questions of theatre and reflexivity, which include social mimesis and theatrical mimesis and representations of femininity. Another interest I have kept since childhood has led me to study folklore in literature, in particular magical mentalities in folktales, implications of the "supernatural wife (husband)" motif (AT 400-459), and media mix strategy of the fantasy industry, with a particular emphasis on the question of shared cultural and affective experience across generations.

    • 『ペロー童話のヒロインたち』(せりか書房、1996)
    • 『星の王子さま学』(慶應義塾大学出版会、2005)
    • 『少女が知ってはいけないこと:神話とおとぎ話に描かれた〈女性〉の歴史』(PHP研究所、2008)
    • "Des versions Perrault-Lhéritier à quelques caractéristiques de Dame Holle", in Dominique P.-L. (dir.), L'écho des contes, PUR, 2019
    • "Éco-animisme dans les fantasy anime de Hayao Miyazaki ––Princesse Mononoké, Le Voyage de Chihiro, Ponyo sur la falaise", Fantasy art and studies 5, pp. 11-15, Têtes imaginaires, 2018
  • French Literature
    French Linguistics

    My research interest lies in the semantic-pragmatic interface with special reference to the French language. I'm also interested in rhetoric and translation studies.

    • Cognition et émotion dans le langage(共同編著、慶應義塾大学出版会、2006)
    • 『プチ・ロワイヤル和仏辞典 第3版』(執筆協力、旺文社、2010)
    • « L'argumentativité de la métaphore dans une sémantique argumentative », M. Bonhomme et al. (dir.), Métaphore et argumentation, Editions Academia, 2017
    • « Le paradoxe », L. Behe et al. (éds.), Cours de sémantique argumentative, Pedro e João editores, 2021
    • « L'argumentation, entre langue et texte », Humanidades & Inovação 9(4), 2022
  • TSUKIYAMA, Kazuya

    French Literature
    French Literature of 19th Century

    « Surnaturalisme » in the art criticism of Baudelaire and Huysmans

    • « L’imagination chez Baudelaire, mouvement et construction » (RHLF, 2019, n°2, p.333-345.)
    • « Le naturel dans la théâtralité baudelairienne » (Romantisme, n°179, 2018, p.141-150.)
    • « Le poème en prose chez Huysmans : contre la bourgeoisie » (La Licorne, n°90, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2010.)
    • (翻訳)アラン・コルバン『未知なる地球 無知の歴史18世紀−19世紀』(藤原書店、2023年)
    • (共訳)ミシェル・ヴィノック『知識人の時代 バレス/ジッド/サルトル』(紀伊國屋書店、2007年)
  • MINEMURA, Suguru

    French Literature
    Modern and Contemporary French Literature (Jean Genet)

    Researching the influence of the unique forms of punishment that emerged in 19th century France, including isolation cells and penal colonies, on modern authors, especially Jean Genet. Other themes include “faits divers”, return, confession, and description.

    • 『フランス現代作家と絵画』(共編著、水声社、2009)
    • ジュネ『公然たる敵』(共訳、月曜社、2011)
    • Dictionnaire Jean Genet(共著、Honoré Champion、2014)
    • タハール・ベン・ジェルーン『嘘つきジュネ』(単訳、インスクリプト、2018)
    • 「1840年1月22日まで(中編)ーメトレの誕生(3)」(『藝文研究』第124号、2023)