Asian History


The research interests of the Asian History Program within the Department of History include East Asian history centered on China and the history of the Islamic world centered on the Middle East. The program is characterized by research into modern Chinese history, which inherits the empirical historical tradition of historian Suiichiro Tanaka and the study of ancient history of Chinese folklore pioneered by Nobuhiro Matsumoto, professor emeritus of Oriental History at Keio. Current research into the history of the Middle East and the Islamic world is focused on the social history of the Arab region and the history of the Ottoman Empire, inheriting the academic traditions of Shinji Maejima and Toshihiko Izutsu, two pioneers of the field in Japan. However, student research is not limited to the above areas. Our faculty members hope that students will use their bodies and minds to internalize the history of Asia and the Middle East and have the freedom to surpass their teachers to open up new research frontiers. For that reason, we continue to welcome leading scholars from outside of Keio to work together to create a space for cutting-edge Asian history research.



Department/Specialty/Research Interest/Publication

  • Asian History
    Modern East Asian History, History of Food as Cultural Exchange, and Chinese Urban History.

    With Shanghai as my main field of research, I have studied social change in modern Chinese cities, particularly the emergence of a new middle class, mass consumption, and mass mobilization. Currently I have been turning my attention to the cultural exchange of food, studying how nationalism changes Chinese cuisine, and researching the effects of imperialism and colonialism on food culture in East Asia since the 20th century. I try to scrutinize and check by comparing magazines, newspapers and corporate and administrative documents of each city and conduct supplementary interviews to verify specific facts as much as I can.

    • 『上海大衆の誕生と変貌:近代新中間層の消費・動員・イベント』(東京大学出版会,2012)(葛涛・甘慧杰訳『上海大衆的誕生与変貌:近代新興中産階級的消費,動員和活動』上海辞書出版社,2016)
    • 「中国料理のモダニティ:民国期の食都・上海における日本人ツーリストの美食体験」(関根謙編 『近代中国 その表象と現実:女性・戦争・民俗文化』平凡社,2016)(彭芃訳「中国菜的現代性:日本遊客在民国時期食都上海的美食体験」巫仁恕編『城市指南與近代中国城市研究』台北,開源書局,2019)
    • 『中国料理と近現代日本:食と嗜好の文化交流史』(編著,慶應義塾大学出版会,2019)
    • 「中国料理はなぜ広まったのか:地方料理の伝播と世界各国の「国民食」」(西澤治彦編『「国民料理」の形成』ドメス出版,2019)
    • 「『旅行満洲』に見る都市・鉄道・帝国の食文化:「満洲料理」「満洲食」の創成をめぐって」(『『旅行満洲』解説・総目次・索引』不二出版,2019)
  • HASEBE, Fumihiko

    Asian History
    Middle Eastern Social History, The History of the Arabic Political Culture

    My research focuses on the social history of Egypt in the Mamluk and Ottoman eras. I am particularly interested in the political culture and social relationship of pre-modern Nile Delta cities. I am currently working on urban notables of al-Mahalla al-Kubra based on the analysis of Ottoman court registers.

    • 『中世環地中海圏都市の救貧』(編著、慶應義塾大学出版会、2004)
    • 『オスマン帝国治下のアラブ社会』(単著、山川出版社、2017)
    • 『地中海世界の旅人:移動と記述の中近世史』(編著、慶應義塾大学出版会、2014)
    • 『ナイル・デルタの環境と文明Ⅰ・Ⅱ』(編著、早稲田大学イスラーム地域研究機構、2012-13)
    • 『岩波講座世界歴史10 イスラーム世界の発展』(共著、岩波書店、1999)